Jocelyn Carlin

Bio: Jocelyn Nash Carlin grew up in Colorado. In spite of winning several regional writing contests in high school and loving her college creative writing classes, it still took her most of a decade after graduating from college to realize that she wanted to be a writer when she grew up. After focusing on her growing family for several years after college, her brain started itching for creative outlets and she rediscovered her love of creative writing through hobby writing *cough*fanfiction*cough*. Eventually, she decided to try her hand at original fiction.
She has completed two middle grade novels, and is polishing the first for querying. She also writes fiction, both short and long, for adults.
Though she reads a wide range of genres, fantasy is her true love and she writes exclusively in the various sub-genres of fantasy.
Besides writing and her family, her other passions in life include gardening and cooking (though her enthusiasm for culinary experimentation has been dampened by a house full of picky eaters).

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